Past Events

  • Lecture delivered by Professor Arlene Kanter, University of Syracuse on United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability on 10th Mar 2010.
  • A National Consultation, on Amendment to the National Trust Act was held at CDS NALSAR on 20th March, 2010.
  • Dr Dhanda has conducted a workshop on CRPD for Development professionals in Kolkatta on 3rd and 4th June 2010.
  • Srimati Basu, Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, University of Kentucky Lexington, KY has delivered a lecture on "The Unfit Marriage: Reading Mind and Body, Health and Sanity in Kolkata Family Court Cases" on 6th July, 2010.
  • Awareness Raising, Sensitization and Campaigning on Disability Rights was conducted on 10th and 11th July 2010. As a part of capacity building and awareness raising exercise, a two day workshop on Campaigning for Disability Rights was conducted at the Centre on July 10 and 11th, 2010. The workshop aimed to create awareness and sensitize oneself on the disability rights and learn how to translate this sensitization into an effective medium of communication through poster campaign. It was a meticulous chalked out plan put in place by the resource persons Nithya and Smriti.

The workshop commenced with an Introduction to the communication design and an ice breaking session wherein the participants, through a name card, learnt to communicate about their personality traits. The participants were divided in six groups with 5 members each. It then proceeded to explaining on what communication is, how it can be made, how different audio- visual means in the form of films, theatres, street plays, cartoons, humour or satire can alert the minds of the audience and communicate the message.

The second session comprised of learning about the disability rights with Prof.Amita Dhanda elaborating upon the various nuances of UNCRPD followed by Mr. Nilesh Singit's presentation on 'Perceiving Disability-Interrogating Stereotypes'. The discussions led to the identification of various problem areas in the disability jurisprudence required to be addressed and thereby the generated the ideas of the campaign. The third session explored the creative side of the participants by indulging them into drawings, Pictionary and penning of their experiences related with disability. The first day of the workshop closed with each group sketching their main theme of disability rights campaign outlining the aim, target audience, communication and the execution of the idea.

Day two began with the groups executing the ideas conceptualized the previous day in the form of poster making. It was a riot of colours coupled with innovative approaches to the campaign with the participants at their creative best. The end result was vibrant posters campaigns on various disability rights issue. The workshop served as a catalyst to reveal the drawing skills of the participants and a permanent creative corner for the Centre.

Member of Centre for Disability Studies, Nalsar Team: Neha Pathaji, Nilesh Singit, Padma and Rohan Brainstorming on the poster to be created by them.

One of Presentations by students during the workshop.

Facilitator Nithya answering students queries.

Various posters made by the students during the workshop on the bulletin board.

Lecture by Mr.Javed Abidi leading Disability Activist on Monday, 4th October, 2010 at 2.30 pm on "Advocating for Disability Rights at the Centre for Disability Studies"

New Law Committee Meeting October 19-20 2010, Centre For Disability Studies Nalsar


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